COVID-19 Information

IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE | Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Referring Physicians

We are open and accepting patients for all studies, including routine and elective exams. In accordance with the CDC and American College of Radiology recommendations, we continue to exercise caution in patient screening and masking. Please contact our radiology team with any questions; we are happy to discuss your patient’s care.


In light of the COVID-19 outbreak we continue practicing enhanced screening, cleaning protocols and social distancing.

Is it safe to schedule my medical imaging?

For most radiology care, your risk of exposure to COVID-19 is low.

Steps we have taken to ensure your safety

The health of our patients and staff is our highest priority. Our waiting rooms are spaced to keep patients six feet apart and we ensure all rooms and equipment are cleaned before each exam.
All scheduled patients will also be screened at their time of check-in.
Please let us know if you have a cough, fever and/or shortness of breath or if you have been in close contact with someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in the past 10 days. You will be imaged with special procedures to limit your time in the center.
We allow one companion/caregiver per patient. We request that all other companions and visitors wait in their cars.
If preferred, once registration and screening are complete, patients may choose to wait in their vehicle rather than the lobby.